New year's resolution 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
From Sheryl, 8:52 PM
Hi again!! (haha, haven't updated for a year now)First off, I would like to say happy chinese new year (too late for the new year) to everyone reading my blog, and wish you guys all the best taking on this year!Since last year, my drawings took a tremendous improvement 'til this year, and I'll be uploading more pictures to show you!

My pictures improved mainly though criticism, which I recieved through many artists on a website called deviantart, which I created an account on. By listening to the criticism of other artists, as well as observing how other artists draw, I was able to improve significantly. One problem still remains though: I can't draw boys. For some strange reason, the boys would end up looking like girls...
Anyway, I plan to improve a lot this coming year. I might be uploading more pictures if I have the time.
Another thing, I choose my sec 3 subject combination to be triple science, which means that I take pure sciences: Physics, chemistry and biology, social studies (geography elective), english, chinese, elementary maths and additional maths. That's a total of eight subjects, whichmeans that I'll have to cut down on doodling in class this year.
Still, I plan on doing well in my subjects this year. I'm in a much quieter class, which means better concentration, and most of my classmates like to see my drawings, which is really good news. I hope none of them would make fun of me this year.
That's all for today. hope I can survive this year's school homework!
Does anyone here know how to draw nicely??
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
From Sheryl, 12:36 AM
Okay, so I know that I haven't been updating lately... but I'm starting to have this feeling that no one in my school knows how to give me criticism on how I draw without showing that they could do better! I mean, I know I draw quite well, but obviously people were lying to me when I was showing them my drawings last time.
Take for example, this was my very FIRST photoshop digital art:
And the second picture, I had just completed quite recently.
.......................................looking back, I used to SUCK last year......
So if anyone would give proper criticism, please leave a message at the tagboard,
if not, NO SPAMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, and I'm sorry if this offended you or something.
Speech and drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
From Sheryl, 11:51 PM
Hi again!Yay! I'm able to update again! By the way, like how the title says, our class had a speech and drama workshop today in place of one session of english and literature.Firstly, the class was told to do a funny activity on how everyone else in our class thinks of us.The teacher told us to get a piece of foolscap paper and write our names on it.Then, we were told to paste the piece of paper on our backs to let our other classmates write on it!!! ( I'm telling you, you could feel the pen tip writing something ticklish on your back...and I was worried at first that someone in my class would write "kick me" on my back!)Finally, the whole class had to tell the other classmates what others wrote on our back.The final activity was to pass a packet of coloured paper to the person next to you. If anyone drops the paper in it, they were told to do something concerning the way they speak. I was on of the 'victims' eventualy I had to share with everyone 2 of my hobbies, pretending that the classmates were all teachers at first, followed by pretending that they were students...again...Today's speech and drama lesson actually went well! I felt that the whole class did learn how to speak louder... sort of......This is another long post...So I guess I should end here. Bye!
New school year, new school bag..
Sunday, January 13, 2008
From Sheryl, 6:06 PM
Hi again!
Managed to update again. But I'll try to update every once or twice a week...
Anyway, all because my school principal decided to cancel the lockers (NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I really needed to get a more suitable bag than using the billabong sling bag and folder to carry all of my textbooks AND workbooks AND heavy pencil case AND exercise books AND apron with tea towels AND food container and...did I miss anything out???
Well, just yeaterday, my whole family and I went to Queensway (The old-looking building with alot of shoe stores...they sell bags too...) to buy a proper bag instead of depending on the sling bag and eventualy having my left shoulder dislocated...
I actually have a number of choices and stores to go to...
but I still couldn't decide properly so everytime I went into a bag stall I was like..."Maybe we should come back later..."...
Or something like that...heh...
What??? I'm HORRIBLE at making choices...
(I'm serious...sometimes I don't know what I sould eat for lunch!)
Eventually, I managed to get a proper purple bag which was value for money and had many compartments!
After that, the whole family went over to Ikea for a snack, and then over to anchorpoint for more food (Tim sum). But on the way, in the Factory Outlet Store (F.O.S.), I came across this very sweet looking blouse, and I actually wanted to buy it (Which seems like something I very rarely do nowadays...'cause I'm actually very satisfied with the clothes which I have now.). But it felt very uncomfortable when I tried it on, so I bought another blouse instead. The other blouse seems more practical than the other, and it was plain white, which is a colour that I really like.
After that (another 'after that'???), we just went back to Ikea and went straight home, without eating dinner outside. But, on the bright side, my sister, Wynona, and I had frozen pizza and garlic bread for dinner!
But our toaster spolied while toasting the garlic bread, so we had to use tha micorwave to heat up the pizza...didn't exactly taste so good, but at least it was still better than nothing!
...That was a long post...
So I think I'll end here!
New year 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
From Sheryl, 4:28 PM
Hi again!!!!!!!!Finally managed to update after a very loooooooooong hiatus!Anyway, since it's already the new year (YAY!!!), I am now officially in Secondary 2!However, I didn't manage to stay away from my old class, 'cause my classmates from last year are now my classmates for this year! But i guess that's not TOO bad.......Not much to write about these days...except that there's more homework for this year, and that some of the subject teachers have changed (English, for example..). But I think that after learning how to do an animation for I.T. enrichment, I may be able to post it up here!What have I been doing for the whole of last year???I guess it's just what comes natural to me...Drawing.haha.Like I said, not much to put up on this post so.....Bye!
'C' division girl's basketball competition international finals!
Friday, August 24, 2007
From Sheryl, 6:12 PM
Hi again!
Sorry I wasn't able to update my blog for awhile, all because of my sister hogging the laptop, and the fact that I was quite busy.
Anyway, speaking about the news in class 1/5,
Today, all the sec ones were dismissed early from class, just to watch the basketball national finals for the C division girls! And Unity Secondary school is one of the participating teams!It had been a great game, and although Unity lost, I'm still very proud of them, especially two of my friends who were in that team, because they're still better at basketball than I am!So if you have any comments about my blog, just leave them in the cbox when you scroll down the page. Try not to pretend to be someone else, but your name can be anonymous.See ya!
Chinese supplementary lesson!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
From Sheryl, 1:28 AM
Hi guys!
Just so you know, yes, I have supplementary lesson, and yes, I failed my Chinese many times...
So, you have to admit, the last post was dreadfully long...
This time, I've decided to make it a little shorter...
So here's a list of what I've done today:
1. Finish my homework last minute
2. Make a list of what two naughty classmates said to me today(I need it in order to prove to the diciplinary master that they did say vulgarities to me.)
3. Show that ;ist to my other classmates
4. Studying linear graphs(Maths)
5. Staying back for Chinese supplementary
6. Planing how to do my homework
I think that's about it...